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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Java is not a Pure Object Oriented Language

Theoretical a Pure Object Oriented Language must contains all entities as in the form of Object. There could be two categories of OOPL :
1) Hybrid OO languages :
Hybrid languages are based on some non-OO model that has been enhanced with OO concepts. e.g. C++, ancestor was C, may be more...

2) Pure OO languages
Pure OO languages are based entirely on OO principles; Smalltalk, Java, and Simula are pure OO languages.

But Due to following reasons Java can't be considered as Pure OOPL:
1) Java violates principle "Everything must be Object". Java has primitive types int, long etc.
2) static works on class level.
3) Multiple inheritance is not supported.
4) Operator overloading is not supported.

BTW Java never claimed to be "Pure OOPL".


  1. Interesting!!
    Thank you for sharing this informative article.

  2. hi,
    Can you tell me what is difference between TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE and TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE

  3. @Jay : Will write something very soon..
